School of Rock – Day 14 – Voice, Preparation, and Presentation


Today I learned more about music!


  • Today I will work on a song

Leadership Project (SMART Goal Evidence)


How Twenty One Pilots Write A Melody | The Artists Series S1E4

-They include dark humor in their songs

-They also have darkness in their notes

-self criticism

-Angst and depression can be great catalysts for creativity

-The band name is inspired by the story of a person who sold faulty airplane parts and therefore killed 21 Pilots

How Nirvana Writes A Chord Progression | Artists Series S2E2

-When thinking of them you think of Seattle, Grunge and Counter culturalism

-their sound is one of rebellion of perfection

-power chords

What Makes This Song Great? Ep.69 JOURNEY

-He got the idea for the words “Don’t stop believing” from his dad saying it to him

-The song doesn’t go to the chorus until 3 minutes into the song

-The opening piano is the hook of the song


The Making Of Justin Bieber’s “Peaches” With HARV | Deconstructed

-He prefers using live instrements

-Since he was on tour with Justin he was able to work on the album

-after he got the base down he went to the guitar

-They took a screen recording of him playing the piano and edited it and put it in the song

What Makes This Song Great?™ Ep.82 ELTON JOHN

-Inverted chords

-The most signature part of the song is the slide guitar that leads into the chorus

What Makes This Song Great?™ Ep 81 Stevie Wonder

-The song was originally written for somebody else but they thought it would be a big hit for Stevie Wonder

-The part with the horn makes the song

-Strong melody

The Making Of BTS’ (방탄소년단) “Dynamite” With David Stewart | Deconstructed

-It was their first English single

-No one knew where to go with it but they knew that they wanted something fun with tempo

-2 kicks

-rock piano

-The person who played the horns also played them on uptown funk


  • I learned about how songs are made today. And I also tried to improve my song in Soundtrap but I think it’s pretty much done now.


Content (The WHAT)

Rating: OK  – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5  – HIGHLY ENGAGED

Rating: 4

It was cool to hear about the process of how songs are made

Process (The HOW)

Rating: OK  – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5  – HIGHLY ENGAGED

Rating: 4

Taking notes was engaging.

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